Courtney Pelitera MS, RDN, CNSC
I’m Courtney, a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a Bachelor’s degree in Sport and Exercise Science and a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. My dream has always been to educate athletes of all ages to help them achieve strong, powerful bodies capable of executing all their goals.
Growing up with a father who is a strength and conditioning specialist and gym owner, I have always known that this is the field I have a passion for. After finding my love for running and endurance sports in high school I was able to work with a dietitian who showed me that a banana and crackers for lunch was just not going to cut it. I experienced very low energy levels and sometimes I would even get sick after cross country meets! It was then that I realized the impact of food and how much it played a role in fueling this body for a long afternoon run or speed workout.
My love for running, the outdoors, and exercise has never stopped. Whether it's a long run on a Sunday morning with friends, a trail run with my dog, or a Sunday morning swim; I can always be found incorporating my love of exercise and the outdoors. After overcoming several running injuries I have gotten myself reacquainted with Olympic style weightlifting and have found my love for gym time again! I have experience in working as a personal trainer and currently work as a dietitian in my local hospital.
I believe that fitness and good health can fit into your lifestyle in the way that you find most enjoyable. My goal is to help others find their joy in physical activity and healthy eating!

I'm a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
I'm a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician
I'm Certified in Adolescent weight management
Masters Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics
Bachelor's Degree in Sport and Exercise Science